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Shut Up and Mangia!, Issue #064 - Italian-Style Pepper Steak
April 06, 2014

A tavola non si invecchia. - Italian proverb. (At the table with good friends and family you do not become old.)

These tender filets are topped with sweet bell peppers and caramelized onions. This is a great weekend dish. Serve with a side of Parmesan risotto and you're all set. Enjoy! Mangia Italiano!

Italian-Style Pepper Steak

Pepper steak has been around along time. It tastes great and is simple to make. We’ll just add some garlic, oregano and fresh plum tomatoes and Italianize it a little bit.

You could use fillet Mignon or sirloin for this dish though I prefer the tenderloin. The sweet flavors of the peppers and the tenderness of the steak will melt in your mouth like butter..... Read More

Eat Like An Italian

Very proud to announce my new paperback "Eat Like an Italian" will be released around the first of April. This book will contain most of our old favorites plus many new recipes. Official release will be announced through our newsletterm "Shut Up and Mangia", and our Facebook page. Again thank you for your support. Without you we would not exist.

Site News

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Great Chicago Italian Recipes is dedicated to adding new and traditional Italian recipes for your enjoyment. The site is getting bigger and better. Don't forget the addition of “The Italian Grocer“ and the“The Great Italian Music Store“ for your convenience. Thank You for supporting this site.

Final Thoughts

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Mangia Italiano!

Take Care,

Phillip J. Speciale

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