Favorite Italian Restaurants

Write a Restaurant Review
Tell us about your favorite Italian restaurants!
Have you enjoyed a new Italian restaurant in your city or visited an old favorite? Tell us about it. Just use the form below and let our readers know what you think. Tell us how the food was. Was the service any good? How does the place look? Does it have a great wine list and most important what was your favorite or least favorite dish on the menu.
We want to know what you think. Maybe when our readers are in your town they will know what’s a great experience or a bad one.
Be a food critic and let us know all about your dining experience. If you have any trouble here’s a few guidelines you can follow.
1. Make reservations at the Italian restaurant that you would like to review.
2. Dine at the restaurant.
3. Make notes about the menu, wine list, décor, atmosphere, other customers, staff, location, cuisine, presentation and creativity..
4. When your done dining write a review while everything is fresh in your mind and use detail when describing the food and atmosphere.
5. At the end of the review give us your recommendation. Good, bad, would you go back and dine there again etc..
6. Next thing to do is publish your review right below. Don’t forget that this is for Italian restaurants only. Have fun and most of all enjoy your dinner.
Favorite Italian Restaurants
If you have found a favorite Italian restaurant in your city or while on vacation just let us know below.
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Enzo's Not rated yet
The best darn Italian Beef Sandwiches in town.
The place looks like a dive, but you can't beat their sandwiches and they have reasonable prices to boot!!! …
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