Italian Olive Oil

I couldn't imagine cooking an Italian meal without Italian olive oil. Like fine wine, olive oil takes time and patience to be perfected. Like wine, never cook with an olive oil that doesn't taste good to you. The quality of the oil will greatly impact the taste of your food.
Extra virgin olive oil is the finest quality oil you can buy. I'll use it for salads, pastas or for dipping Italian bread. If I use virgin olive oil it's usually for grilling, roasting or frying since it's less flavorful and it gives the best results for these type of dishes. Pure olive oil is even less flavorful than virgin oil so it's best used in dishes where the olive flavoring is less important.
Oils from Tuscany, Abruzzo, Marches, Lombardy and Sicily are all categorized based on flavor. Some are light and fruity while others have a full bodied flavor. It's a challenge to try to find the type of oil that is perfect for you. Since the price of oil can range between a few dollars to well over one hundred dollars there have been a few taste tests and reviews done to help us pick the best for the money.
According to Consumer Search.com, Colavita Extra Virgin Oil rates as the best supermarket brand olive oil. Consumers pick Colavita more often than any other brand. It's comparatively inexpensive and has a buttery, fruity, light bodied flavor which makes it perfect for cooking.
Colavita began in the small town of Sant'Elia a Pianisi near the border of Apulia in the Molise region of Italy. For four generations the Colavita family has mastered the craft of tasting and producing olive oil that is considered some of the best in the world.
Brands such as Bertolli and Pilippo Berio have also enjoyed recognition for the quality of product they produce. So as I do in my home, make sure you use the best Italian Olive Oil to keep on making those great Italian dishes your family has come to enjoy.
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